Gary Catona was first profiled in the New York Times in 1985 in connection to his work with Muhammad Ali, who suffered from a vocal disorder related to Parkinson's Syndrome. Since then, his unique method has been featured in nearly every major publication in the U.S. and many internationally. Most recently, he was the subject of intense media attention because of his work as Whitney Houston's voice builder for the final seven years of her life. Catona startled the world when he reported to Anderson Cooper that he had brought Whitney's voice back from barely any tonal quality to 75% of her former voice.


Anderson Cooper: February 16, 2012

The Insider: February 14, 2012

Entertainment Tonight: March 31, 2011

411 Mania Interview: Gary Catona; August 8th, 2012
Gloria Martin Interview: Gary Catona; July 25th, 2012